NNDC Board Members:
Natalie L. Rasgon, MD, PhD
Alan F. Schatzberg, MD 

The Stanford University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, a center for the advancement of psychiatric practice, research and education, attempts to advance the understanding of psychiatric disorders, develop innovative treatments, deliver comprehensive services and train medical students in the practice of psychiatry. Stanford has two specialized clinics to treat and research mental disorders including the Depression Research Clinic and Bipolar Disorders Clinic. Committed to advancing patient care, the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences offers numerous community outreach and education programs, treats a broad range of disorders in a supportive environment, and conducts research into the origins of mental illness to find new diagnostic techniques and therapies.

Learn more: Stanford University

To make an appointment, please call:

General Psychiatry and Psychology: 650-498-9111
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: 650-723-5511
Sleep Medicine: 650-723-6601